Superheroes wanted!
Welcome to our SDR superheroes campaign! At BBP, we are strong advocates for SDR surgery for cerebral palsy. Because SDR is so new to the NHS, we frequently find that healthcare professionals know little about it. Lots of parents struggle with differing opinions from therapists, paediatricians and neurologists. We know there are so many superheroes who have excellent results from SDR, so we are compiling a document of as many SDR superheroes as possible! This will be sent out to small and large NHS trusts around London, and available for free on our website to download. So wherever you are in the world, you can show superhero proof that SDR changes lives!
If you would like your superhero to be involved, you will need to do these things:
Download and fill in the consent and information form here, and email it to our team, here, attaching a photo or photos of your superhero to the email, before and after SDR surgery.
Complete the form below.
Here is our first SDR superhero!
Name: Aiden
Favourite thing: ice cream!
Type of CP: spastic diplegic CP
Disabilities pre SDR: walked with a Kaye walker, could not stand up from floor independently
Abilities post SDR: walks unaided and stands up from the floor independently!
SDR changes lives!
Click here to download our campaign document and show to your NHS professional
SDR Superheroes admission form