We love Quest and their paediatric rollator frame and therapy benches! We can measure and provide a quote for equipment, as well as arranging trials when appropriate.

The Quest 88 rollator is perfect for adding more stability for children who find push along standard walkers run away! The two grips make it more stable and slow it down. The handlebars can be used for children with low tone who tend to lean forwards, and the horizontal bar can be added for children who prefer using pronated hands in walking. The rollator can also be used for superheroes who need much more support when walking, for independent standing. Lots of our children use a fully supportive stander and walker, but practise sit-to-stands and sustained standing at the rollator frame. This promotes strengthening and hip development, as well as trunk strength by preventing children from leaning with their trunk.

The Quest 88 therapy benches are the best ones you can buy! They are the only bench that has the screws on the inside, allowing for children to sit on the end of the bench with a carer behind them if needed. It is also the only therapy bench that doesn’t have a bar across the underside, meaning it can be used as a surface over a seat, in floor sitting, or over the Jenx wedge – very important for messy play! The Quest therapy bench can be adjusted on an anterior tilt, to engage the core muscles by tilting the pelvis forward. We like using it for sitting, straddle sitting for a hip stretch, sit to stands, high kneeling, half kneeling, standing AND cruising! As well as a play surface…what a versatile piece of equipment!