We love LOC!
London Orthotics Consultancy is a private orthotics clinic based in Kingston. Their attention to detail and gait lab are fantastic, and our superheroes get excellent results from there.
NHS orthotics
Increasingly, though certainly not all the time, the NHS use orthotic companies who work with adults and children, over a wide range of specialties, which offer the NHS a ‘one fits all’ approach. This means that children’s NHS orthotics are often prescribed and fitted by an orthotist who works predominantly with adults, in different areas such as wound care, diabetes and sports injuries. Children’s and neurological expertise is often limited and this shows in the quality of the NHS orthotics and the children’s outcomes.
However, some NHS trusts have excellent children and neuro specific orthotics services. At BBP we are able to advise on further private orthotic assessments if their NHS orthotics are not optimum, and we always recommend the LOC.
The London Orthotic Consultancy’s AFOs are extremely high quality and the difference they make to our clients is invaluable. Four-year-old Henry had never stood until he received his AFO/DAFO combination from the LOC, and he stood for the first time for 30 seconds when wearing them! He is now on his second pair and can stand for around six minutes! Go Henry!
Spinal braces
Our clients’ spinal braces from the LOC are more comfortable, padded, practical and flexible than NHS braces. We are able to get suitable one-piece spinal braces, without compromising on posture, which are comfortable and tolerable for long periods of time.
The team at LOC are highly experienced in both paediatrics and neurological conditions. We find all of their appointments friendly and fun, and the orthotists are very responsive to queries.