Prior to the initial assessment, we will ask you to sign an agreement form and further consent may be required during your child’s treatment. We highly value keeping you informed and will ensure that you understand your child’s physiotherapy management and progress. If at any time you have any questions please ask.
All personal information will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
- Data will be used for provision and administration of patient care only
- Personal Details may include family, educational, photographic and medical information
- Written and Printed Records will be stored securely
- Computer Stored Information will be password protected and with network security software
Disclosure and Barring Service
We have enhanced clearing from the DBS. If you would like to see any documentation, please do not hesitate to ask.
Hannah Spink is insured under the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Master Policy, for public liability, products liability, medical and professional liability.