What is CIMT?
CIMT is a method used to strengthen the pathways in the nervous system on the affected side of the body. This results in strengthening the weaker side of the body. The technique is carried out by restraining the stronger limb, and thus forcing use of the affected limb during every day activities.
The Bumble Bee Physio method of CIMT
When working with young children and children with learning disabilities, we understand the difficulties of restraining the stronger limb. Therefore we alter each programme depending on the child’s needs. With younger children, we take turns using our ‘super-strong hand’ and our ‘strong hand’, to enable achievement and minimise frustration. We use experience and clinical skills to choose exciting but realistic and simple toys to use with the affected hand, and have a ‘right hand toy box’ for use only with the affected hand. With our special adaptations, goals are achieved with minimal frustration, and we keep children’s motivation.
At Bumble Bee Physio, we are passionate about CIMT and have seen excellent results with our clients. Every child is different, and we use techniques involving CIMT during therapy sessions, in school, or included in children’s programmes to carry out with their parents.
To book CIMT for your superhero, contact us here.