
Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hannah SC

Hannah is our friendly office manager who books appointments, sends exercise programmes and deals with the computer side of things. Hannah has lots of experience working with children and understands the hectic lifestyles of parents with differently abled kids! Hannah is super organised and punctual and will help with any queries you have, quickly and… Continue reading…


Krissi joined Bumble Bee Physio in May 2021. Since qualifying with a first-class BSc (Hons) degree in Manchester, she has worked for the NHS in children and adult services. After this, she worked in special needs schools and now spends her time providing high-quality therapy to the superheroes at BBP. Krissi also has experience in riding… Continue reading…



Nick is new to BBP and is from a land Down Under (not New Zealand)! This is where he studied and worked as a physio. He graduated with a Doctor of Physiotherapy from Bond University, located in the Gold Coast, where he also learnt to surf! Nick has been working with children and adults since… Continue reading…

Hannah S

Hannah S

Hannah has worked with children for over 20 years. She graduated with a first-class BSc(hons) in physiotherapy and is studying her MSc in advanced paediatric physiotherapy. Hannah knew from the age of nine she wanted to be a children’s physio, and volunteered as a carer for disabled children, in a creche, at a conductive education… Continue reading…



Livestream Model Akari is the most recent member to join team BBP, because she hasn’t been around for long! She is a few months old and loves listening to nursery rhymes and stories, she also loves to party late into the night! Akari helps with the livestream physio sessions on YouTube as a model. Continue reading…



Anthony is married to Hannah Spink and runs the business behind the scenes! He has lots of experience with differently abled children and volunteers with Hannah at Holy Trinity Brompton as a one-to-one buddy for differently abled superheroes. Hannah and Anthony met when helping out at a camp for children with additional needs! Anthony works… Continue reading…



Rachel is a talented architect who designs buildings for NHS services, clinics and hospitals. She has a huge passion for accessible and adapted buildings, and dreams of all buildings being inclusive for wheelchair user superheroes! Rachel designs and updates our website and has worked her magic super-fast in the ever changing COVID-19 pandemic, keeping our… Continue reading…