
Category Archives: superheroes



Ten-year old Martina is an adventurous and curious young lady who has a passion for dancing, cuddles and exploring new places. Martina was born with Angelman syndrome and uses a wheelchair to access her favourite places in the community – and to show off her latest dance moves! Martina has been with Bumble Bee Physio… Continue reading…



Henry is a kind and friendly four-year-old who loves reading, bouncing on his gym ball and singing! His favourite song is ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain’ which is often met with a beaming smile during his physio sessions. Hannah was had the pleasure of working with Henry, who has a diagnosis of Rett syndrome… Continue reading…



With a passion for shoelaces, sensory toys and working hard, three-year-old Atlas is adored by all at Bumble Bee Physio. An incredibly motivated young boy, Atlas was diagnosed with global development delay and soon began work with the team due to issues with reaching his gross motor milestones, including the inability to walk independently. With… Continue reading…



Mofe is a happy and adventurous seven-year-old who loves jumping on the trampoline, soft play and bouncy castles. But his all-time favourite activity is flicking through books, the thicker the book, the better. Mofe also loves water and will always try to jump in a pond, pool or puddle when no one is looking! The… Continue reading…